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“I am Bread” es la épica historia de cómo una rebanada de pan busca convertirse en tostada. Haz buenas migas con nuestro aventurero y viaja desde su lugar habitual en la cocina al mundo exterior, a través de una vivienda cuyo dueño no sospecha nada.

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Descargar I am Bread [Full PC] Torrent | juegazos.net Descargar I am Bread para PC torrent. I Am Bread nos narrará un "épico y bello" viaje repleto de peligros y situaciones difíciles en el que tendremos que ... I Am Bread para PC - 3DJuegos Bossa Studio, creadores del simpar I Am Bread, ha confirmado que el videojuego de simulación de panecillo llegará el próximo 25 de agosto a PlayStation 4 I am Bread on Steam - store.steampowered.com 'I am Bread' is the epic story of a slice of bread's journey to become toast. Take the intrepid, crumby adventurer on a journey from his natural confines of the kitchen, through the home of an unsuspecting owner and into the outside world. This bread will be boldly going where no other bread has gone before . . .

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I am Bread is an action-adventure simulation developed and published by Bossa Studios and was released on 9 April 2015. The game is currently available on Windows, OS X, iOS, and PlayStation 4.[1][2] The game has a cartoony feel.

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